• Bali, Indonesia
  • info@ecotourismbali.com
  • Language
  • English
  • Bahasa Indonesia


What is ETB? Is it associated with other industry association? Is it legitimate?

Eco Tourism Bali is a Social Impact Business that builds communities for sustainable tourism through a Verification system for Hotels and F&B business. No, it is not associated with other industry association, but it does provide a platform for communities of such industry to interact, exchange information, and share ideas.

Yes, we are legitimately registered as an entity named PT Berkah Wisata Lestari as a social entrepreneurship based in Bali.

What are verification badges?

Badges are a statement of your level of understanding the concepts and implementing the practices of Sustainability in every aspect of your services, operations, and sourcing.

What is the methodology of your verification?

The ETB Sustainable Verification is developed in partnership with Kopernik’s R&D Sustainable Lab by adapting the GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) methodology as the point of reference for hotels due to its distinguished reputation and comprehensiveness.

The ETB Sustainability Verification comprises of 30 criteria but can be summarized into four components below:

Component A. Resource Conservation

This comprises of policies of purchasing of consumable and disposable goods that favors environmentally sustainable suppliers and products. The component also includes management of energy and water resources to minimize overall consumption.

Component B. Pollution Reduction

This comprises of policies, practices and actions to control greenhouse gas emissions, regulate and measure waste disposal and pollution from all sources.

Component C. Conservation of Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Landscapes

This comprises of policies, practices and actions to protect natural areas of high biodiversity from any potential impacts generated by operations.

Component D. Social Benefits for Local Community

This comprises of policies, practices and actions to provide quality education, decent work and economic growth, and sustainable cities and communities.

What are the benefits of getting verified?

Accreditation of any sort helps to promote internationally recognized quality standards, assists hospitality providers in the development, enhancement and improvement of their programs and quality management systems and helps them to achieve a competitive advantage. Being verified by an accredited verification body means that your tourism product or service complies with the highest social and environmental standards on the market.

The ETB Badges are a statement of your level of understanding the concepts and implementing the practices of Sustainability in every aspect of your services, operations, and sourcing. If you are in hotel or accommodation business, this is your opportunity to raise the bar and comply with global standards of sustainable hospitality services, by leveraging your competitive advantages in the industry.

As verified members, you will know your level of sustainability, have assessors visit and physically verify your business, have access to annual ETB events and workshops, smartcard kit presentation, community discounts, and get featured on ETB website directory.

How much is the cost to get verified?

If you are in hotel industry, we have three levels of Badges that suits the type and size of your business.

  • Green (Rp 2,000,000 for membership) is for hotels with rates of up to Rp 1,500,000 per room per night.
  • Branch (Rp 6,000,000 for membership) is for hotels with rates of Rp 1,500,001 – Rp 3,000,000 per room per night.
  • Roots (Rp 12,000,000 for membership) is for hotels with rates above Rp 3,000,001 per room per night.

For restaurants, the rates will be

  • Green (Rp 1,200,000 for membership) for restaurants with price range of up to Rp 85,000 per menu
  • Branch (Rp 3,600,000 for membership) for restaurants with price range Rp 85,001 – Rp 200,000 per menu
  • Roots (Rp 7,200,000 for membership) for restaurants with price range of above Rp 200,001 per menu.

What are the stages of Verification?

There are 5-stage process tailored for each industry:

  1. Assessment (in-person review on your current practices/operations conducted by trained assessors using the verification criteria)
  2. Recommendation (detailed checklist of solutions with suggestions of trusted services that your business can use)
  3. Implementation (strategy of executing recommendations with experienced consultants that balances action with business focus on company’s profit goals)
  4. Training (customized program to help you grow by educating your staff through innovative and exciting team building exercises)
  5. Follow up (attentive service that keeps your business achieve your short term targets and long term goals)